Wednesday 7 August 2013

How To Make Simple Hello Program With Explanation

//Program to print “Hello” with the meaning of each word


In this Program, we used some terms that are used in almost every program of C.
Let understand the meaning of these terms.

1.  #include<stdio.h>

 Is a preprocessor directive (here it is used for File Inclusion.  Hence, it is called as file inclusion preprocessor directive.)

 Is the name of standard input/output header file (.h extension  represent that it is a header file.)

2.  #include<conio.h>

 Is a console input output header file. It manage the console i/o  functions. Such as- printf is used to display output on the  screen. And, scanf is used to read input from the user. 

3.  void main()
 Is the data type. It does not return any value.
 Instead of void, we can also write 'int' but int return value. So,  we have to write 'return 0;' before 'getch();' 0 indicates success.

 Represents a function. All statements that belong to program are  written inside the main function.

4.  {}
 The statements written inside the main() function are enclosed  within a pair of braces {}.

5.  clrscr();

 Is used to clear the output screen.

 Is used to terminate a statement.

6.  printf("Hello");
 Is used to display output on the screen. This command displays  'Hello'.

7.  getch();
 It accepts a character from user. Thus, it helps to the user to see  output by waiting to enter a character from keyboard.

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